Friday, May 8, 2009

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

This book is amazing! I loved it!!!!!! The only constructive criticism is I don’t understand what the Return was. I am so excited for sequels and movies to come out! I think they will be a big hit!!!!!!!!! The new Harry Potter maybe! Please read this book because you are sure to get hooked!!!!
Taco Bell


  1. Hey this is Taco Belle again and I just wanted to say btw (by the way) I went to the opening of Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan and she signed it!!!!!! Thanks Ms. Ryan for the gummy zombies and cute bookmark!!!

  2. I like to skip the books and go directly to the movies. Like Harry Potter, those books where so thick they can be classified as weapons. But I do think the movies were very good. So let me know if "The Forest Hands and Teeth" becomes a movie, I will watch it!
